
Projects dealing with ABFT in ICAR during last years


Climate change and European aquatic RESources (CERES)
Main researcher: Peck,M (Univ. Hamburgo): A total of 50 researchers involved
Funding Entity: EU H2020 Research and Innovation actions (Comisión Europea)
Start-end date: 01/01/2016 – 31/12/2019
Funds to ICAR: 40.000€
Atlantic bluefin tuna fishery: closing the cycle and improving the conditions of cultivation with special reference to the fattening of a healthier tuna (PARACIEN)
Main researcher: Ortega,A.(Spanish Institute of Oceanography, IEO)
Funding Entity: EU FEDER. Spanish RDI National Program
Cód.: RTC-2016-5835-2
Start-end date: 01/01/2016 – 31/12/2019
Participants: Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO); PISCIFACTORÍAS ALBALADEJO S.L.
Funds to ICAR: 369.500€
Estimation of bluefin biomass: combination of biometric techniques by image processing and characterization as acoustic disperser (ACUSTUNA)
Participants: Politecnic University of Valencia and IEO
Main researcher: Espinosa,V.(Univ Politécnica de Valencia). 10 researchers involved
Funding Entity: Spanish RDI National Program Plan Nacional de I+D+i.
Start-end date: 01/01/2016 – 31/12/2018
AQUACULTURE infrastructures for EXCELLENCE in European fish research towards 2020 (AQUAEXCEL 2020)
Participants: > 25 Institutions
Main researcher: Vandeputte,M. >100 researcher involved
Funding Entity: Horizon 2020 – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014-2020) (Comisión Europea)
Start-end date: 01/01/2015 – 31/12/2017
Funds to ICAR: 125.000€
Optimization of larval and juvenile production of bluefin tuna (NUTRITUNA-IEO)
Participants: IEO and Cadiz University
Main researcher: Mourente G & de la Gándara,F. (IEO) 7 researcher involved
Funding Entity: Spanish RDI National Program
Start-end date: 01/01/2015 – 31/12/2017
Funds to ICAR: 96.800 €
Biomass measurement systems for transfer of bluefin tuna by acoustic techniques (BIACOP)
Participants: (IEO); Politecnic University of Valencia
Main researcher: de la Gándara,F.(IEO) 10 researcher involved
Funding Entity: CE. Program to control fishery activity ES/13/41
Start-end date: 01/07/2014 – 30/09/2016
Funds to ICAR: 236.966 €
Construction of a tuna breeding facility for bluefin tuna (ICRA)
Participants: IEO
Main researcher: Ortega A. (IEO). 2 researcher involved
Funding Entity: FEDER, UE
Start-end date: 24/06/2009 – 21/04/2015
Funds to ICAR: 4.800.000 €
Note: This project was use to built the land based facility to control de reproduction of Atlantic Bluefin tuna which is part of ICAR.
Application of Tuna Cultivation Techniques (ATCAR)
Participants: Caladeros del Mediterráneo S.L., IEO, Politecnic University of Cartagena.
Main researcher: Ortega A.(IEO). 4 researcher involved
Funding Entity: Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial
Start-end date: 01/01/2012 – 31/12/2014
Funds to ICAR: 177.000 €
Bluefin tuna abundance indexes: towards recruitment estimators based on larval ecology (ATAME-IEO)
Participants: AZTI Tecnalia; Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Blanes (CSIC); IEO; Universidad de Cádiz
Main researcher: Abascal FJ; Reglero,P.(IEO). 20 researcher involved
Funding entity: Spanish RDI National Program
Start-end date: 01/01/2012 – 31/12/2014
ICAR funds: 60.000 €
Improvement of bluefin tuna larval rearing by using Acartia tonsa (CLARA)
Main researcher: Ortega,A.(IEO). 7 researcher involved
Investigadores/as: 7
Participants: Fortuna Marre, IEO, SINTEF
Funding Entity: FORTUNA MARE S.L.
Date: 01/01/2014
Duration: 3 years
ICAR funds: 169.000 €
Wind power offshore 2020 (AZIMUT)
Participants: IEO
Main researcher: Cort,J.L.(IEO). 5 reseachers involved
Funding entity: ACCIONA ENERGÍA S.A. l
Date: 01/03/2012 – 31-12-2013
ICAR funds: 0 €
Feeding tuna. Mejora de la Alimentación larvaria de atún (MALT)
Main researcher: Ortega A. Researchers involved: 8
Participants: SKRETTING AQUACULTURE RESEARCH CENTER (SARC), IEO, Politecnic, University of Cartagena, Caladeros del Mediterraneo.
Funding entity: SARC
Date: 01/03/2012 – 31/12/2013
ICAR funds: 20.000 €

1 MUÑOZ-BENAVENT, P; V. ESPINOSA; G. ANDREU-GARCÍA; JOSÉ M. VALIENTE-GONZÁLEZ: V.D. ESTRUCH; P. ORDÓÑEZ; I. PÉREZ-ARJONA; V. ATIENZA; B. MÈLICH; F. DE LA GÁNDARA; E.SANTAELLA. 2019. Automatic Bluefin Tuna  (Thunnus thynnus). Biomass Estimation during Transfers Using Acoustic and Computer Vision Techniques. Aquacultural Engineering. 85, pp. 22 - 33.

2 MÓNICA B. BETANCOR; AURELIO ORTEGA; FERNANDO DE LA GÁNDARA; JOSE L. VARELA; DOUGLAS R. TOCHER; GABRIEL MOURENTE. 2019. Evaluation of different feeding protocols for larvae of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus L.) Aquaculture. 505, pp 523 - 538. Elsevier.

3 MÓNICA B. BETANCOR; GUILLAUME R. LAURENT; AURELIO ORTEGA; FERNANDO DE LA GÁNDARA; DOUGLAS R. TOCHER; GABRIEL MOURENTE. 2019. Taurine metabolism and effects of inclusion levels in rotifer (Brachionus rotundiformis, Tschugnoff, 1921) on Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus, L.) larvae. Aquaculture.

4 BLANCO, EDURNE; REGLERO, PATRICIA; HERNÁNDEZ DE ROJAS, ALMA; ORTEGA, AURELIO; DE LA GÁNDARA, FERNANDO; FOLKVORD, ARILD 2019. The effect of nutritional condition by two nucleic acid derived indices on the growth to post-flexion of Atlantic bluefin tuna and Atlantic bonito larvae. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 519, pp. Elsevier.

5 REGLERO, P; A. ORTEGA; R. BALBÍN; F. J. ABASCAL; A. MEDINA; E. BLANCO; F. DE LA GÁNDARA; D. ÁLVAREZ-BERASTEGUI; M. HIDALGO; L. RASMUSON; F. ALEMANY;Ø. FIKSEN. 2018. Atlantic bluefin tuna spawn at suboptimal temperatures for their offspring. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 285 - 1870, pp. 1 - 10.


7 BETANCOR, MÓNICA B.; AURELIO ORTEGA, FERNANDO DE LA GÁNDARA; DOUGLAS R. TOCHER; GABRIEL MOURENTE. 2018. Performance, feed utilitation, and hepatic metabolic response of weaned juvenile Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus L.): effects of dietary lipid level and source. Fish Physiol Biochem. 2, pp. 1 - 22. Springer.

8 PUIG-PONS, V.; ESTRUCH, V. D.; ESPINOSA, V.; DE LA GÁNDARA, F.; MELICH, B.; CORT, J. L. 2018. Relationship between weight and linear dimensions of Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus) following fattening on western Mediterranean farms. PLOS ONE. 13 - 7, pp. e0200406.

9 BLANCO, EDURNE; REGLERO, PATRICIA; ORTEGA, AURELIO; DE LA GÁNDARA, FERNANDO; FOLKVORD, ARILD. 2018. Size-selective mortality of laboratory-reared Atlantic bluefin tuna larvae: evidence from microstructure analysis of otoliths during the piscivorous phase. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology  and Ecology. 509, pp. 36 - 46. ELSEVIER.

9 REGLERO, P.; E. BLANCO; F. ALEMANY; C. FERRÁ; D. ÁLVAREZ;-BERASTEGUI; A. ORTEGA; DE LA GÁNDARA, F; APARICIO-GONZÁLEZ, A; FOLKVORD, A. 2018. Vertical distribution of Atlantic bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus and bonito Sarda sarda larvae is related to temperature preference. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 594, pp. 231 - 243.

10 BETANCOR, M. B.; ORTEGA, A.; DE LA GÁNDARA, F.; TOCHER, D. R.; MOURENTE, G. 2017. Molecular aspects of lipid metabolism, digestibility and antioxidant status of Atlantic bluefin tuna (T. thynnus L.) larvae during first feeding. Aquaculture. 479, 233 - 239 Elsevier.

11 BLANCO, E; REGLERO, P.; ORTEGA, A.; DE LA GÁNDARA, F.; FIKSEN, Ø, & FOLKVORD, A. 2017. The effects of light, darkness and intermittent feeding on the growth and survival of reared Atlantic bonito and Atlantic bluefin tuna larvae. Aquaculture, 479, 233 - 239 .

12 BLANCO, E; RELGERO, P.; ORTEGA, A.; DE LA GÁNDARA, F.; FOLKVORD, A. 2017. Size-selective mortality of laboratory-reared Atlantic bluefin tuna larvae: evidence from microstructure analysis of otoliths during the piscivorous phase. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 509 (August), 36 - 43.

13 PUIG-PONS, V.; ESTRUCH, V. D.; ESPINOSA, V.; DE LA GÁNDARA, F.; MELICH, B. & CORT, J. L. 2018. Relationship between weight and linear dimensions of Bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) following fattening on western Mediterranean farms. PLOS ONE, 13(7), e0200406.

14REGLERO, P.; BLANCO, E., ALEMANY, F.; FERRÁ, C.; ÁLVAREZ-BERASTEGUI, D.; ORTEGA, A.; DE LA GÁNDARA, F.; APARICIO-GONZÁLEZ, A.; FOLKVORD, A. 2018. Vertical distribution of Atlantic bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus and bonito Sarda sarda larvae is related to temperature preference. Marine Ecology Prograss Series, 594, 231 - 243.

15 BETANCOR, M.B.; ORTEGA, A.; DE LA GÁNDARA, F.; TOCHER, D. R.; MOURENTE, G. 2017. Molecular aspects of lipid metabolism, digestibility and antioxidant status of Atlantic fluefin tuna (T. thybbus L.) larvae during first feeding. Aquaculture. 479, pp. 357 - 369. Elsevier.

16 BLANCO, E; REGLERO,P.; ORTEGA,A.; FIKSEN,O.; DE LA GANDARA,F.; FOLKVORD,A. 2017. The effects of light, darkness and intermittent feeding on the growth and survival of reared Atlantic bonito and Atlantic tuna larvae. Aquaculture. doi: 10.1016/j.aquac, pp. 1 - 31. Elsevier.

17 URIARTE, A.; GARCÍA, A.; DE LA GANDARA,F.; ORTEGA,A.; QUINTANILLA, J.; LAIZ, R. 2016 . Isotopic discrimination factors and nitrogen turnover rates in reared Atlantic 2 bluefin tuna larvae (Thunnus thynnus); effects of maternal transmission. Scientia Marina. doi: http://dx.doi.o, pp. 1 - 10.

18 BETANCOR, M. B.; ORTEGA,A. ; DE LA GANDARA,F.; TOCHER, D. R.; MOURENTE, G. 2016. Lipid metabolism-related gene expression pattern of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus L.) larvae fed on live prey. Fish Physiol.Biochem.DOI 10.1007/s10695-0, pp. 1 - 24.

19 DE LA GANDARA,F., ORTEGA,A. and BUENTELLO, A. 2016 . Tuna aquaculture in Europe. In Advances in Tuna Aquaculture. From hatchery to market. Ed. Benetti, Partridge and Buentello: 115 - 157. Elsevier.

20 ORTEGA, A. 2015. Cultivo integral de dos especies de escómbridos: Atún rojo del Atlántico (Thunnus thynnus, L. 1758) y Bonito Atlántico (Sarda sarda, Bloch 1793). Doctoral Thesis. Universidad de Murcia. 170 pp.

21 VARELA, J. L.; ORTEGA, A.; DE LA GANDARA, F.; MEDINA, A. 2015. Effects of starvation on d15N and d13C in Atlantic bonito, Sarda sarda (Bloch, 1793). Aquaculture Research. 46, pp. 2043 - 2047.

22 DE LA GÁNDARA, F. 2015. El cultivo del atún rojo. Ambienta 11, pp. 102 - 115.

23 SANTAMARIA, N.; BELLO, G.; POUSIS, C.; VASSALLO-AGIUS, R.; DE LA GANDARA, F.; CORRIERO, A. 2015. Fin Spine Bone Resorption in Arlantic Bluefin Tuna, Thunnus thynnus, and Comparision between Wild and Captive-Reared Specimens.PLoS ONE. 10(3): e0121924, pp. 1 - 17.

24 MAZURAIS,D.; COVES,D.; PAPANDROULAKIS,N.; ORTEGA,A.; DESBRUYERES,E.; HUELVAN,C.; LE GALL,M.M.; DE LA GANDARA,F.; CAHU,C.L. 2015. Gene expression pattern of digestive and antioxidant enzymes during the larval development of reared Atlantic bluefin tuna (ABFT), Thunnus thynnus L. Aquaculture Research. 46, pp. 2323 - 2331.

25 ZUPA,R.; SANTAMARIA,N.; MYLONAS,C.C.; DEFLORIO,M.; DE LA GANDARA,F.; VASSALLO-AGIUS,R.; POUSIS,C.; PASSANTINO,L.; CENTODUCATI,G.; BELLO,G.; CORRIERO,A. 2014. Male germ cell proliferation and apoptosis during the reproductive cycle of captive-reared Atlantic bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus (Linnaeus). Aquaculture Research. 45, pp. 1733 - 1736.

26 REGLERO,P.; BLANCO,E.; ORTEGA,A.; FIKSEN,O.; DE LA GANDARA,F.; SEOKA,M.; VIGURI,J.; FOLKVORD,A. 2014. Prey selectivity in piscivorous bluefin tuna larvae reared in the laboratory. Journal of Plankton Research. 37(1), pp. 2 - 5.

27 REGLERO,P.; ORTEGA,A.; BLANCO,E.; FIKSEN,O.; VIGURI,J.; DE LA GANDARA,F.; SEOKA,M.; FOLKVORD,A. 2014. Size-related differences in growth and survival in piscivorous fish larvae fed different prey types. Aquaculture. 433, pp. 94 - 101.

28 SARROPOULOU,E.; MOGHADAM,H.K.; PAPANDROULAKIS,N.; DE LA GANDARA,F.; ORTEGA,A.; MAKRIDIS,P. The Atlantic Bonito (Sarda sarda, Bloch 1793). 2014. Transcriptome and Detection of Differential Expression during Larvae Development. PLoS ONE. 9(2): e87744. doi: 10, pp. 1 - 13.

29 GATESOUPE,F.J.; COVES,D.; ORTEGA,A.; PAPANDROULAKIS,N.; VADSTEIN,O.; DE LA GANDARA,F. 2013. A spatiotemporal study of bacterial community profiles associated with Atlantic bluefin tuna larvae, Thunnus thynnus L., in three Mediterranean hatcheries. Aquaculture Research. 44, pp. 1511 - 1523.

30 REGLERO,P.; BALBIN,R.; ORTEGA,A.; ALVAREZ-BERASTEGUI,D.; GORDOA,A.; TORRES,A.P.; MOLTO,V.; PASCUAL,A.; DE LA GANDARA,F.; ALEMANY,F. 2013. First attempt to assess the viability of bluefin tuna spawning events in offshore cages located in an a priori favourable larval habitat. Scientia Marina. 77(4), pp. 595 – 594.