Open Access


Name of the infrastructure: Infrastructure for Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Aquaculture (ICAR)

Web site address:

Contact: Fernando de la Gándara / Aurelio Ortega

Email:    Phone 968153339


Procedure for requesting access

It is the responsibility of the Open Access Committee (OAC) to plan open access calls and to decide about the resolution of the calls. The process

of evaluation will be carried out by the OAC. A copy of ID identification, insurance of accidents and civil responsibility of all the persons

participating in the project must be delivered before starting the access.


Any modification on the initial plan of the remittance to the ICAR shall be communicated at the earliest possible moment. No change shall be

allowed for the last month prior to the commencement of the project.


An agreement between user and IEO with the terms of the project, list of participants, duties of each partner, payments and the terms of the

final report should be signed.

The Open Access Committee (OAC), renewed in May 2023, is made up of the following members:


  • President: Dr. Fernando de la Gándara. Director of the Murcia Oceanographic Center. IEO-CSIC
  • Secretary: Dr. Aurelio Ortega. Head of the IEO_CSIC Aquaculture Area
  • Member:   Dra. Ana Gordoa. Senior Researcher. CSIC
  • Member:   Dr. Emilio Maria Dolores, Head of the Fisheries Service. Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia
  • Member:   Dr. Gabriel Mourente. Full Professor. Cadiz University
  • Member:   Dra. Patricia Reglero. Senior Researcher. IEO-CSIC

Access calls

There are two different access calls:

  • Annual Open access call (competitive)
  • Permanent access call (on demand)

Annual open access call: Every year, IEO will open during two months a call for tenders. This call will be available in the web: Within one month after the closure, a Provisional Resolution Proposal will be published in the website and communicated to the applicant by email. Definitive Resolution will be publish within one month, and general rules of the call are showed below.

The scientific or technical teams or anyone who would like to have access to ICAR’s facilities, must do so through the application form describing the project to be carried out in the facilities of ICAR, indicating the resources, facilities and / or services that it plans to use. The application form for ICAR access, in PDF format, with the CVs of all the participants will be sent to the ICAR email address:

In this form they must fill in the following fields:

  • Name of the Institution / Company
  • Applicant Name and surname
  • Applicant position
  • Applicant address
  • Telephone
  • Email
  • Descriptive title for your proposed project
  • Email
  • Proposed ACRONYM
  • Proposed dates
  • Proposal summary
  • Specific Requirements (facilities, equipment, materials and supplies required; use of specific fish; technical assistance and training etc.)
  • Ethics, if the research involves any procedures likely to cause stress, distress or lasting harm to experimental animals.


Once the Application Form will be received, the OAC Secretary will acknowledge receipt of the applicant by mail, and a code will be assigned to the proposal. Each proposal will be graded according to the following EVALUATION CRITERIA:

Criterion 1: Technical viability to develop the proposal in ICAR facilities

Criterion 2: In agreement with the field of interest pointed out by ICAR Strategic Plan and the Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee

Criterion 3: Quality and scientific excellence of the proposal

Criterion 4: CV of all the participants

The proposals, according to criterion 1, will grade as ELIGIBLE or NON ELIGIBLE by an Internal Committee (The OAC President and the Secretary) who will inform the rest of the OAC about their decisions. Only those proposals, graded as ELIGIBLE, will be considered for further evaluation. NON ELIGIBLE proposals will have a 15 days period for presenting supporting arguments and to modify the proposal regarding the non eligibility reasons.

Eligible Proposals will be evaluated by the Open Access Committee. Each member will grade each criterion 2, 3 and 4, from 0 to 10. An average score of every criterion will be obtained from all the members, and the sum of these three criteria will give the final punctuation. It will be necessary to obtain a minimum final score of 15 from a total of 30. The OAC may contact the applicant at any time, for requesting any clarification about the proposal.

Definitive Resolution will be sent by email to the applicant and published in ICAR web within one month.

Permanent access call (on demand): After the annual open access call definitive resolution, a list of facilities, services and access unit available will be published in the web. Any proposal dealing with these facilities for that year could be applied in any moment.